Private & Semi-private Lesson Registration

from $130.00

Select this if you are registering for private or semi-private lessons. You will enter your details on the following page.

Depending on what you requested, private lessons can run for 45 minutes, or 60 minutes

Semi-private lessons run for 1-hour.

PLEASE NOTE: All prices listed are PER CHILD. If you are registering two children, you must change the quantity to “2” and Add to Cart.

Lesson Type:
Lesson length:
Length of session:
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Select this if you are registering for private or semi-private lessons. You will enter your details on the following page.

Depending on what you requested, private lessons can run for 45 minutes, or 60 minutes

Semi-private lessons run for 1-hour.

PLEASE NOTE: All prices listed are PER CHILD. If you are registering two children, you must change the quantity to “2” and Add to Cart.

Select this if you are registering for private or semi-private lessons. You will enter your details on the following page.

Depending on what you requested, private lessons can run for 45 minutes, or 60 minutes

Semi-private lessons run for 1-hour.

PLEASE NOTE: All prices listed are PER CHILD. If you are registering two children, you must change the quantity to “2” and Add to Cart.